Professional Books

Uncover best practice and provision within the illustrated Guides to Continuous Provision published by the Early Excellence Curriculum Team, along with EYFS and KS1 professional books and texts focused on child-led pedagogy.

Why Choose Early Excellence Professional Books:

  • Discover a wide range of specially curated professional texts, selected to develop your early education knowledge and continue CPD journeys
  • Choose from our recommended Early Years and Key Stage 1 books development by nationally known Early Educators including Julie Fisher, Anna Ephgrave and Ruth Swailes
  • Invest in highly practical Guides to Continuous Provision, providing clear guidance for enriching indoor and outdoor Early Years provision and Key Stage One Continuous Provision

Need More Support?
For support in rethinking your Early Years and Key Stage 1 practice, explore Early Excellence CPD Training or enquire about Bespoke CPD Training with an Early Excellence Curriculum Consultant.

Uncover best practice and provision within the illustrated Guides to Continuous Provision published by the Early Excellence Curriculum Team, along with EYFS and KS1 professional books and texts focused on child-led pedagogy.

Why Choose Early Excellence Professional Books:

  • Discover a wide range of specially curated professional texts, selected to develop your early education knowledge and continue CPD journeys
  • Choose from our recommended Early Years and Key Stage 1 books development by nationally known Early Educators including Julie Fisher, Anna Ephgrave and Ruth Swailes
  • Invest in highly practical Guides to Continuous Provision, providing clear guidance for enriching indoor and outdoor Early Years provision and Key Stage One Continuous Provision

Need More Support?
For support in rethinking your Early Years and Key Stage 1 practice, explore Early Excellence CPD Training or enquire about Bespoke CPD Training with an Early Excellence Curriculum Consultant.

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